Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

So today I decided that being a Catholic is wicked. 

Not that kind of wicked, actually. THIS kind of wiiiiiiiicked

Being a part of the Catholic church makes me want to put on a cape and go jump off of something tall. Because I can fly. Maybe the top bunk in my dorm. Because then if for some reason I can't fly, I won't have a very long fall. But I'm a Catholic. I'm not afraid to fall. And we go hard or we go home. So I'm thinking  the taller the better right now. 

I mean really, the blood of Superman runs through my veins. No really, I ate him at mass yesterday. And I have Wonderwoman, Batman, and the whole freaking Justice League for brothers and sisters. (It's pretty legit, I know.) Why wouldn't I be able to fly? 

And if you think about it, flying requires lifting both feet off of the ground. I can imagine the first time would be a wee bit uncomfortable/scary, but how else do ya expect to do it?! 

Superman actually wrote me a long series of letters....he called it something weird. Holy Scripture. Huh. Anyways, he made it very clear that he has a mission for me, he wants me to fly, and I can fly if I keep my eyes on him and off of the ground. 

So I guess if Superman says I should fly, I should fly with reckless abandon....

Kind of like this fella
Over and Out. 

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