Monday, February 27, 2012

Hound Hunt

I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to post, but I've had this idea in my head for a while and I wanted to really give it some time to develop. Buuuut I'm not really even sure if that has helped because every time I sit down and try to write this I get distracted and start watching episodes of The Office. Life is rough. On a more relevant note, bear with me as I attempt to organize the lovely combination of both my thoughts and the thoughts of Scott Hahn;

God ain't nothing but a hound dog....

Except he's actually a lot more than just a hound dog, and is definitely not the type of "hound dog" that Mr. Presley was referring to. But hear me out! What I mean is that God loves us so much that he has been chasing us through all eternity, chasing you through time, hounding after you since before you came to be.

Allow me to further elaborate, starting with the very first story in our bibles; Adam & Eve. To refrain from boring you, with fact upon juicy biblical fact, I even whipped out my fierce artistry skills in order to illustrate!

Unblemished Eden 

So God made Adam in his image and likeness. Then made Eve popped out from Adam's side, yada yada yada. So it's been 6 long days of laboriously creating the universe and the life it held, so naturally what did God do? Naptime. Wait What? On the seventh day HE RESTED?! Now why on the good earth would the all powerful God have gone and done a thing like that? There is no way he needed to rest, he's GOD. 

I'm not God so I can't answer for him, but I will take a whack at it from what we know in the good book. The seventh day is this day of rest, but in Hebrew the word for "seven" is sheba. The cool part is this; sheba doesn't only mean "seven" as in the number "7", it is also a verb! It means to swear a covenant oath.

Well, what's a covenant? I'm so glad you asked! It's kinda something like this:

A covenant isn't an exchange of goods or promises, but and exchange of persons! Hint: marriage is a covenant. So next time you go to mass, you are renewing your covenant with God! Aww yea, have you ever heard the mass called "The marriage supper of the lamb"? Yep. That's why! SO GOOD - but another time, another post.

Fun Fact: Throughout the whole creation story in Genesis, God is referred to in Hebrew as Elohim, a very formal word for God or Mighty One. He is referred to as this up until the seventh day upon establishing his covenant. After this he is referred to as Yahweh Elohim, which is best translated as Lord God. It is a deeply personal and familial title. INTERESTING!!! On the last day of creation at it's very peak, God brought us into his very family. He became not just our, but our father. Until the ever unexpected plot twist:

The threat. 

Sometimes, upon reading this part of the story I can't help but deduce that Adam and Eve were brainless know-nothings who I should have replaced. I would obviously have said NO to evil and YES to God. It's just common sense, it usually ends up working out better for everyone! But would I have, really? 

You see, the Hebrew word for serpent in the Old Testament is nahash, which can mean dragon or sea monster. One can conclude that they weren't at a loss for words upon facing a cute little garden snake...there is no doubt whatsoever that they faced a life-threatening force. So they gave in and they accepted God's version of death, spiritual death, rather than accepting martyrdom or even calling on God for help. Interestingly enough, after this point in Genesis we regress back to God being referred to as strictly Elohim, losing his familial title. We lost our place in the family, not because God kicked us out, but because we chose it. The result; Adam & Eve hid from God in shame, and hence we have the very beginning of a long trend of running from the Great Hound. How silly because he runs faster, much faster. 

Through the generations, God tried to gather his people back to him through new covenants with all of these guys, (NO this is not the Burly Beards Club!) Unfortunately all of them fell short for some reason or another, all coming right back down to a trend our oldest relatives started; sin. Bummer. 

Lucky for us God is quite clever, persistent, and the mastermind of all happy endings! He wanted us back and he knew just how to be absolutely sure that this would happen! Many moons later another son of God was in a garden called Gethsemane. He was tempted and faced with a decision and certain death, but he didn't give in. He left the garden and walked up to another tree, but this time he let that tree conquer him, not the other way around. To give you a visual: 

Case in point, we were sniffed out and caught be the faithful hound. And quite literally, THANK GOD for that because whoever eats the fruit of the above tree will certainly not die. And that my friends is a direct promise, no, COVENANT from God. 

May God bless & keep you this day and always,

Bridget Ann

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents Day

If only...

Happy Presidents day everyone! When I was in high school I LOVED Pres Day since I didn't have to go to school. In college not so much, it's just another day of classes. However, I have been thinking an awful lot about our current President today, Mr. Obama. It goes without saying that I'm not exactly a fan, but I will give him half a pat on the back since he does have one of the heaviest responsibilities in the world right now.

I guess with recent events it is nearly inevitable that I bring up the HHS Mandate since I can't seem to hold off on speaking my mind for too long at all. It states that all employers must provide access to birth control, abortion, sterilization, and emergency contraception to employees. You know, our basic healthcare needs. Ah, and who could forget Obama's compromise on the mandate following the giant uproar that followed from the bishops and laity, ? (Awwwww Yeaaaa guys, I'm sooo proud to be a Catholic after that "little speedbump").

His response goes a little something like this;

"...if a woman's employer is a charity or hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive services as part of their health plan, the insurance company - not the hospital, not the charity - will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge, without co-pays and without hassles." 

Hmmm. That really just rubs me the wrong way, it grinds my gears. In a really bad way. Mr. President, if I may be so bold, who exactly is paying for the insurance of the employees? If it is you, by all means this is a right and just compromise..and Thanks!!! But that's not the case, is it? You see, I find this "compromise" quite insulting. It is saying virtually the same thing as the original mandate. Catholics have brains too! We aren't just spiritual angelic beings floating around the earth, condemning society as a whole! (Although I will accept the angelic accusation, personally!) The same question rings loud and crude like an awakening from blissful sleep by poorly manipulated bagpipes...Why should we legally have to pay for something that we believe is morally wrong?

Now, insurance is brilliant! I'm all for healthcare and I think everyone deserves to have their basic needs met. But since when have these services become necessities? I'm not ardently trying to sway anybody's opinion on contraception and abortifacients right now, but if basic Catholic teaching has a huge moral problem with them, isn't that unfair ground for the federal government? I mean really, contraceptives and the morning after pill are available, (most often FREE OF CHARGE) at public clinics and hospitals, and ugggghhh dare I say it; Planned Parenthood.

So, those who are morally inclined to stay away from these services can freely choose not to utilize them, you say? Well, yes! That's all good and fine, but I'm morally inclined to refrain from, say, murdering people, stealing from people, and many other things. I'm just as morally inclined to refrain from paying others to do these things. Our church and its institutions realize that people are going to contracept, sterilize, and abort. We don't like it, but history has revealed that this won't stop them. It's a reality and it's happening, but what gives the government the right to force us to pay for something that we believe is immoral? Last time I checked all history of the United States points to our founders being big fans of the government staying out of religious practice and belief. Interestinng...

I don't mean to sound bitter, but does anybody remember when Obama controversially received an honorary degree of law from Notre Dame, a Catholic University a few years back in 2009? He very clearly stated to the faculty of this Catholic University, as well as the rest of the listening world, "I am for conscience protection."

 ....Really? What happened? 

My fellow Catholics, I'm saddened to say that it seems the bill of rights doesn't apply to us. Because obviously the majority is so often right! I mean honestly.. everybody knows that democracies are perfectly balanced forms of government in which the majority never, ever can become a tyranny and everybody always automatically gets exactly the liberty that is owed to them. Hahahaha..hahaa..ha. Yep. In Obama-land it appears this way!

Oh, Mr. Obama, Please listen to the church, just this once. You don't have to agree with us...but last time I checked, trying to force a two thousand-year-old organization to conform to your moral standards of society doesn't often end well. Please leave us be and get out of our bedrooms....PLEASE???!!

St. Thomas More,patron saint of politicians and law, PRAY FOR US. Ask God to knock some sense into our President, 


Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Few, The Humble, The Severus Snape.

Today I got to thinking about Harry Potter. I was thinking about how upset I am that I will never be able to go to another midnight premiere wearing my plaid skirt, knee high socks, maroon and gold University of Minnesota scarf, high school graduation robe, and poofy hair, all the while putting off my very best snobby British accent. How I pity myself sometimes. I will miss waiting impatiently for the next book to be completed. And how could I forget watching the movie trailers for months until they FINALLY came to the big screen.

But, OH, how I will miss my very favorite character. He has a largish nose, greasy black hair, and a slithering way about him that makes my heart beat a little bit faster...Oh you know who I'm talking about, I know you do!

Severus Snape, everybody; He makes turning to page 394 a really. big. deal. 

GOSH! He's just so fascinating! He compels me! I realize that I often have an inclination for the awesome, gnarly, outspoken, and cleverly versed villain, but this is different, I swear it! Allow me to publicly convince myself that it isn't his swag that I'm so into..

        Reasons Snape Rox Yo Sox:
  1. He can put up a mean fight.
  2. He knows what true love requires. This guy did what actually repulsed him, watching out for Harry. All for the love of his life, Lily. Atta boy. 
  3. He is ever-so-,mysterious. He knows just how to keep 'em coming back for more.
  4. He would totally understand the 8th and final beatitude; Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven shall be theirs.
  5. He demonstrates deep humility aside from his seemingly arrogant demeanor. (See reason no.4)
Fun Fact: My inspiration for writing this, (aside from the gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit, of course!), was happened upon when I was laughing at the Snape Swag meme posted above and right thereafter I caught a glimpse of the cherry-wood crucifix on my desk. (We have my best friend Ericka Lynn to thank for that, she gives the gol' darn best birthday presents!) 

Anyway, I put the two together, and please don't attack me for heresy but I saw Snape on the cross being crucified for a split second. Not necessarily a vision from God, BY ANY MEANS. I'm just really tired and I have the quirkiest of imaginations. But it did get me to thinking about the deep humility of our savior as well as the ways in which Snape's willingness to die for the sake of truth and goodness, and the lack of recognition he required, reflect that of Jesus. 

After all, I spent six or seven books and movies thinking that Severus was pure evil, loyal to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I wanted him gone. Oh, but this was not the case! It reminds me somewhat of the opposition of Jesus as he walked this earth, being spit on and led to his death because he was so wrongly hated. 

In the end Snape loses his life after loyally serving righteousness, purposefully letting others see him as the bad-guy in order to more effectively serve the fate of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, and the wizarding world. That is humility taken up a notch or two, in my opinion, and it reminds me of somebody very dear to my heart. His name is Jesus and he is even better at Defense Against the Dark Arts than Severus Snape himself! It's pretty magical. 

 The End, God Bless!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Letter to the Enemy.

My Dear Disgusting Wicked Enemy, 

Greetings. It is my hope that your day has been quite a struggle in all that you oh-so-stealthily and nastily do. I intend to make this letter short and to the point, but we will see how that goes, won't we? Nonetheless, I write to you in order to make a few things very clear. I won't keep your slimy self waiting, so here they are; 

Back off of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Gasp. I said Christ. Jesus. You shudder at his very name, don't you? Is it that you are intimidated, or that you know he has already beat you and will continue to do so for all of eternity until he puts you back where you eternally belong? I would suppose it's both. Do you not understand that when they are faced with the evil you twinkle in front of their faces all they need do is say his holy name? He crushed you once, and he will do it again. Errrday bud. 

But you know that, don't you? You know that he's fighting jealously for our souls that he rightfully won for us. You must know that he has given us his mother as our own to beat you down like a madwoman armed with a sledgehammer faced with a garden snake who's going after her babies. All at the response of a single cry to her. Has it not sunken into your illegitimate and measly brain yet that he holds us up when we don't possess our own strength anymore? Even as we offend him and turn our backs on him and toward your brutally ugly face, he grips us tightly. So get at me. Because he's quite literally got my back. 

You tempted him in the desert once, I'm sure you remember it like it was yesterday. Yea, how did that go for you, by the way. Personally I heard it was a fail. Nice effort though. You again attacked his human nature by having him nailed to a cross. How about that, did it work out for you? Nope. ULTIMATE FAIL. Did you not realize that he is both human and God? I mean really, it's so foolish. What were you expecting?!! Him to stay dead and upon descending to hell in utter separation from God, stay there? Huh. You missed the cognitive reasoning process there, I believe. 

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I pity you. You're forever separated from love, from the source of living water through whom all good things come. Does my God, my Jesus love you and long for you in the same way he longs for my brothers and sisters? I suppose I will never know. What I do know is that you have hurt and tempted his holy Church and for that you will pay, mark HIS words. 

Praise be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever. (I hope that stung like a thousand paper cuts.)

In Jesus Christ,
Bridget Ann Teresa Buettner. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

First of all, PSALM 139, baby. It is my wish that as you read this, (if you read this...), you will respect my wishes as the author and listen to this lovely little ditty by Danielle Rose:

Secondly, It is my deepest prayer right now that we all take a small bit off advice from the ever lovable Horton the Elephant:
"A person's a person no matter how small." 

Ahh. So good. So yesterday I was asked to sit in on an early term ultrasound at the Lifecare Center where I work. Let me tell you, when my executive director asked me it took nearly everything I had not to burst into tears of excitement. I probably had the dumbest grin on my face, but I managed to maintain my composure - or so I hope!

So there I was, awkwardly walking in on this huge moment in this girl's life who I don't even know, and I'm all like Hey I'm going to watch this go down. No big deal and looking all professional while all of this excitement bubbles up inside me like a frothy rootbeer float and then the nurse finds the baby. And I stop thinking about anything, really. Because it was just WOW. It was 1 cm long but you could see where its head was, even it's brain being formed. It is only 5 weeks old, but I saw it's little heart beating at 145 beats per minute, clear as day on the screen. WOW!

Do we realize how fantastic we were, even before we were born? It's almost scary, it truly is fearful and wonderful! For example, before you actually had a formed heart, the muscle cells where your heart would come to be began to contract, or beat. This started because one single cell spontaneously twitched when you were 22 days old, setting off a chain reaction among all of those next to it until they all were. In video it looks something like somebody gently tapped it. Think about this. You didn't have a functioning nervous system at that point but the cells all began beating together with the same rhythm. We have been gently nudged by the finger of God and we can't even remember it. My my, he has a sense of humor!

It gets even more brilliant! A baby accidentally hit by a needle during an ultrasound was observed to have twisted away in fear, but not only that! She repeatedly hit at it and kicked it. This was around 20 weeks gestation!!! Also, guess what I learned recently? Human twins in utero play with each other. They have been seen nuzzling cheeks and even waking each other up. Even more amazing, they are known for something in particular - playing games. They have been seen in many scans cheek to cheek or touching each other on either side of their own dividing chorions (the membranes that separates them in the womb.) When these guys are at one year of age their favorite game is standing on either side of a curtain and touching hands. How amazing.

I guess I'm not actually sure where I'm going with this, except that I wish we all had the wonder of a small child who is told by their parents that there is a new baby in mommy's tummy.
Because it's actually truly beautiful whether we see it happening or not, and a child sees this. If you get one thing out of the time that may or may not have been wasted reading this, I hope that it is that you are SOOO incredibly loved and beautifully put together. And that was as true right now as it was when you were in the safety of your mother's womb, as it was before you were even a thought -  For before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Jer 1:5


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine

Happy Saint Valentine's Day <3

I have a present for ya:

You're so welcome =]

Know today the love that God has for you, because it's so much more than I could write a post about. May he bless and keep you this day. 

Bridget Ann

Thursday, February 9, 2012

On Incompetence (Not to be Confused with Incontinence)

"God does not inspire us to do what cannot be done."
St. Therese of Lisieux

(He's Catholic!!!!)

I have recently come to the humbling conclusion that I don't have a large mental capacity for things divine. When I sit before Jesus in the eucharist during mass or adoration I find myself playing with my hair, daydreaming about coffee, or worrying about something academic, as is typical for a college student. Usually by about the fifteenth Hail Mary on my rosary, I stop and realize that I am thinking about something dumb. Like how much I wish I could be NightCrawler for a day. Or night...ha ha. But I digress. 

The point is that I have a hard time focusing on God, who has covenanted himself to me - died for me - even as he is right in front of me in the monstrance or on my tongue in holy communion. It's been enough at times to make me stressed out about even entering into prayer, let alone the neighborhood chapel.                                                                                          

The coolest thing, though, is that none of that really matters.           
Why? Because I'm his. He comes to me in a beautiful and humble way, and whether or not I'm fully aware of it or even mentally present, he's there. Which is a really good thing for my incompetent and frail human mind. 

Have you ever been outside for a while on a cloudy day and hours later you see that rosy glow on the tops of your cheeks and shoulders? Yep. Even when the clouds are covering the sun, you can still be burned by the sun. How much hotter is the love of our God than the sun? That's the beauty of this. I don't have to have words for Jesus, I don't even have to fully comprehend. In fact, our Catholic and Christian faith are a set of mysteries in essence. 

Our inadequacy can actually draw us closer to he who loves us. It can cause us to cling to him like little children. How about little Sister Therese Martin? She became a nun at the amazing age of 15. She struggled with her convent duties and she could hardly manage to stay awake during prayers. She wasn't a big acheiver and had little to show for herself. But she had everything in him. Therese knew something that I so often forget; that if every little tiny wildflower wanted to be a majestic rose, spring would lose its loveliness. So she gave him her small soul. She did what she could manage, doing "Small things with great love." And, Oh how she loved! Today we know her as St. Therese of Lisieux of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower, Doctor of the Church, and my patron saint. 
This isn't to say that our witness to Christ doesn't matter! MOTHER TERESA's namesake is St. Therese, continuing her mission, no - CHRIST'S mission - of small humble acts with great love. These women knew the worth of their testimonies to him. 

Speaking of humble and beautiful witness to Christ, I have the privilege of spending the weekend with the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus! What an absolute blessing!

Also, just for sticking with me for that entire spiel here's this: LISTEN TO IT. It will both ruin your life and make you want to kiss the sky at the same time.

May the Lord bless and keep you this weekend and always,
Bridget Ann 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Love Story

Confession time. Sometimes I get boy crazy...NO. I rephrase this in the possibly creepiest phrase I will ever write: Husband-crazy. (My 3 lovely roommates and my best friend will vouch for this.) As a mediocre-but-trying-to-be-devout Catholic, I have all of the ambitions that most young Catholic women have:

  1. Meet a good strong single Catholic man
  2. Be courted by said man
  3. Marry said man (after a prayerful engagement period of 9-12 months)
  4. Give birth approximately 9 months after the wedding to a little John Paul or Mary Elizabeth
  5. Spend my days barefoot in the kitchen/laundry room
  6. Repeat steps 4-5....FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
future husband . . .I pity you. 

Hahaha. Not that there is anything wrong with this agenda, AT ALL! If I offended any housewives under these conditions please understand my sick humor. I'm only jealous, really, what a beautiful and humble life! 

Sooo naturally I like a good love story, as was embarrassingly portrayed above. Boy meets girl. Man meets woman. Ricky meets Lucy. Edward meets Bella (ha. haha. hahahaha.) It's quite literally the oldest story known to man. (See Genesis, chapter 2)

I imagine that upon laying eyes on Eve, Adam's reaction must have been something beautiful, something that little girls are told in fairytales. Unfortunately my corrupt human mind can't really comprehend this, but it may have went something like this: 

you're sooo pretttyyyyyy
come here baby.

And then something about a serpent and an apple?.... Whatevs, I'll get to that later. 

The point is, this was true love. No motives, no personal gains, just male and female; naked without shame. Together as God intended. It was quite literally the perfect love story.
Until they gone done and messed it up!!!
You all know the story. 

Interestingly enough, the word used for the serpent that tempted Eve in Genesis can also be translated to dragon-monster.  So, the princess was being attacked and tempted by a dragon, and the noble knight/prince did what? He gave in. He didn't fight for his princess. He took the fruit and ate it. Aaaaand now we have sin in the world. Good one, Adam. 

We hear this story all the time - fairy tales LOVE it. Prince fights mighty fearsome dragon for the girl, often risking his own life and limbs. But at this part Adam kind of failed. What an awful example of manhood from the first man himself!

Luckily, many moons later somebody else came on the scene. A real man. And a real God too. His name was Jesus, Yahweh, the great I AM. And he showed how to truly love a bride, he got the the last word to the dragon. 
 And he crushed him. 

This is my love story. And it's yours too. And it calms my boy-craziness with a simple sigh and a sign of the cross. So I wait, because I know that unless any relationship I'm in strives to imitate this one, I'll be selling myself and my partner short of true love. And why would I ever do that, because really, who doesn't love a happy ending? 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Humanity Looks Good on You, Babe.

I asked God to give me happiness. 
God said, No. 
I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you. 

to do this for me:

Stop whatever you are doing. Find the nearest mirror. (This is the interactive portion of today's post.) Look at the person staring back at you. HINT: It's you. Whoa, right? But in all seriousness, step out of yourself for a moment. Look beyond the zits, your large nose, squinty eyes, unruly tresses. Look past any physical "imperfections". See yourself how God sees you. See that he knit you together in your mother's womb, he handcrafted your every "imperfection", and he thinks you are a wonder. You. Are. His. Wonder. See that God looks at you and his heart melts. Your life is sacred, it is a  BLESSING. 

Lions and tigers and bears, O MY. The world is full of magnificent, complex, beautiful creatures. Pick up any National Geographic and see for yourself. For example; 

A hummingbird's metabolism is so fast, they are literally always a few hours from starvation.  

The pistol shrimp, with a single snap of its claw, can kill all surrounding fish with a sonic boom. A snap of the claw creates a bubble with pressure so high that upon bursting it reaches temperatures as hot as the surface of the sun. WOW. 


So what about us? As humans what can we do? We are created in the image and likeness of God, soooo why can't we summon storms and shoot lightning out of our eyes?! Why can't we do anything cool?!! ...

Well, can't we? Like God, we have an intellect - we can reason. We have a will, we can make choices for ourselves. We can choose to act upon our flesh or our mind, therefore separating us from the animals. We are free. Maybe even most importantly, above all of God's other creation we were made in his likeness in order to love. 

Humanity, among all creatures of the earth, have the capacity to love selflessly and unconditionally. (Maybe this is why dog is man's best friend?) Humanity, because of this, is beautiful and sacred. In the midst of all of our errors and selfish desires, we are intrinsically good. Because he thinks so. God himself thinks you are sacred.

Remember this; it wasn't until God created humanity that he "looked over all that he had made, and he saw that it was very good." Genesis 1:31. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Freud, Childhood, & Papas, O MY!

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."
~Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Flipping Freud. Ahh. Allow me to debrief anyone who doesn't hold a substantial amount of background knowledge on this dapper gentleman:
  • Austrian neurologist, (late 1800's - early 1900's)
  • Founded practice of psychoanalysis
  • Believed humans/human psyche driven by unconscious/subconscious desires and thoughts
  • Advocate/user of cocaine 
  • Had a morbid fear of ferns. (Understandable.)
  • Thought of religion as a way to cope with unconscious human desires. 
So there you have it. What interests me the most about dear Sigmund is his fascination with childhood. He developed a theory of Childhood Development that actually freaks me out a bit, but I digress. Freud also had a little bit of a fascination with religion...

Words of wisdom: "Religion is comparable to childhood neurosis." The Future of an Illusion, 1927

Good, according to Freud 84% of the world is in a state of neurosis, and...well, thank goodness for the sane 16% of the world who "hold no religious belief or preference"! Ooof. 

Getting to the point. For us Christians this wisdom from Sigmund is actually pretty cool! For we are called to "become like little children" (Matthew 18:3). If I'm in a state of neurosis, so be it, "for the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like little children." (Matthew 19:14). SCORE! 

Why little children? What foolishness and folly! Well, in my opinion it has something to do with the following.
  1. Children are innocent. 
  2. Children don't always know what's best for them.
  3. Children have little or no fear of a stimulus until they see others react to said stimulus with fear or disgust. 
  4. Children are up front and brutally honest.
  5. Children have light hearts and spirits.
  6. Children don't care what other's think about them.
  7. Children trust with reckless abandon.
  8. Children fully forgive .
  9. Children are fully present in the present moment.
  10. Children are curious, creative, and hunger for discovery.
  11. Children are dependent on others for their needs and wants.
I'm going to focus mainly on the last of the listed qualities: Children are dependent on others for their needs and wants. Tying this in with my opening quote from our pal Freud, "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection", it makes sense. It is encoded into us as early as infancy all the way into old age to depend on our parents, to be protected. Freud knew this. Looking to the numbers, numerous statistics concerning man different aspects of family life show that the lack of a good father in a home can lead to problems later in life.

Where am I going with this? God wants us to call him Papa. He wants us to be his little children. He wants us to come to him on our knees in humility with abandonment to the world, asking him for our desires, our needs, our wants. He wants to be able to hold our hands when we cross the dangerous roads. He wants to take us to the playgrounds, waterparks, and DISNEYWORLDS of this life. He knows that learning how to be good boys and girls can sometimes involve hardships, time-outs, and chores. He wants us to grow up like him, to follow him, and he is beaming with pride to call us his sons and daughters. How wonderful it is to have a papa. 

Over and Out!

Bridget Ann

Friday, February 3, 2012

Modern Holocaust.

Okay. To start out, I'm not going to apologize for what I'm about to write. It's a touchy subject, and unpopular worldview, and I'm probably going to get a lot of opposition. Good. Bring It. It may offend, but God didn't put me on this earth to please everybody and to keep calm waters. I'm trying to keep this blog from being overly political, but I'm a Catholic by blood and I will proclaim the truths of the church until I die. If you don't want to spend the next five minutes reading about a "controversial and complicated" issue, stop reading now. If, however, you wish to educate yourself, and hear what us crazy extremists actually stand for, keep reading and
  thank you God.

Abortion. It kills. It takes human life. It stops a pregnancy by unnatural means. It stops a beating heart. It affects us all. I'm not up for the argument of this, that is for another time and place. It is what it is.

Hello? Anybody there?

So you're not so sure about where you stand?
       "It isn't a life until 6 months gestation." So....get your abortions done up until 5 months 29 days, then after that, hands off! It's my precious baby! Do you not see the ridiculousness?!
(Fact: Abortion is legal all 9 months of pregnancy)

How about this. I'm a construction worker. I'm going to blow up that building. I'm not sure if there are people in it. Might as well blow it up anyway, right? As long as we don't know, we'll never know.

"The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but not human."
thank you for that, Mr. Hitler. 

So, what is a human being? What was a human for Adolf Hitler? A person who looked like him, a person who contributed to society, and a person who didn't cause problems with his agenda. Can you see how the Jews, mentally ill, and christian leaders would have fallen under his "hit list"? The Jews weren't human, they were merely a race to him, they were not human, therefore it was totally okay to dispose of them as he pleased. The mentally ill didn't contribute to society, messed up the gene pool, and caused unnecessary problems. They had a low quality of life anyway. The christian pastors and priests who Hitler targeted created issues for him because they spoke against him, they knew that what he was doing was wrong. They threatened his perfect plan. Am I ringing any bells? Because I should be. These, (underlined), are the most reported reasons that women get abortions/think abortions should be available as a choice. Mmmm, because the Holocaust wasn't bloody enough the first time around. Seriously, if you haven't google imaged abortion. Do it. Man up. Because it's real and it's happening. They showed you pictures of the holocaust in elementary school didn't they? Yea, well this is happening now. 

Fact: Less than 1% of abortions occur because of rape. Rape is awful. Murder is worse. We aren't arguing this now - another time, another post. 

Moving away from the absolute horror that is the abortion industry, I will now address a much beloved "nonprofit" (HA!) institution. 

Ahh. They are just so good, aren't they? I mean really, providing options for women who have no other means, services to those who can't afford them, and honest answers. 

You know what I say to that?

So. Awkard for you, Planned Parenthood, you aren't a non-profit at all, you jokester, you! No no no. You reported $63 million in profits for your last annual report. That's a pretty profitable non-profit! As for providing what women would have no other way of having access to, there are more options than ya think. There are roughly 800 Planned Parenthood Clinics in the United States. There are over 7,000 Federally Qualified Health Centers in the states that provide competent healthcare for women, men, and children, from a wider spectrum than the narrow field Planned Parenthood offers. I think we'll manage. 

As for honest answers? Planned Parenthood has a problem with truth, as they have repeatedly proved. The most requested and stressed options for women in "crisis pregnancies" is abortion. Why? Because it is the most profitable service PP offers. At 12 PP clinics in 6 different states, men entered with a hidden camera posing as sex traffickers with their prostitutes (posing as well). Every time, the counselors and management at Planned Parenthood disregarded the age of the young girls as well as the fact that they were being pimped so that they could acquire contraception and abortion. THIS IS ILLEGAL. It's also horrid. Let's cover up abuse and make abuse safe rather than report it, yea for helping women! Come on, ladies, we deserve better. 

Aaand you didn't think that I would forget the Susan G. Komen defunding Planned Parenthood then refunding them today, did ya? Nope. The popular Breast Cancer non-profit for the cure has been providing Planned Parenthood with millions of dollars for mammograms and breast cancer screening. The funny thing? Planned Parenthood DOESN'T OFFER THESE SERVICES. Don't believe me? 

Here's a quote from Mike Della Vecchia:

For years I used to buy and sell X-ray equipment. I was the Director of Acquisitions for a 
successful NYC company. Trust me: Planned Parenthood does not own a single 
mammography machine. I personally phoned every single clinic, health care center and 
hospital in the United States. It was my job to locate mammography machines between the
 years of 1992 to 1993 and 1995 to 2000, and buy them, and resell them to buyers. I had 
the entire USA directory of hospitals. I had the entire USA directory of clinics. I once even 
had a list of every single diagnostic imaging machine in the state of Colorado and its owner's
name and address  My database had 15,000 locations in it (the largest and most complete 
database in the industry). Every single day of the year, my staff and I phoned every one of
 these locations asking if they had any mammography machines for sale, and to list and spec 
out all of their other equipment. I never, in all of my years in the X-ray business EVER saw a 
Planned Parenthood center listed in one of those lists. Planned Parenthood has been lying 
for many years that it offers mammography screening. Its funding is for one thing and one 
thing only: to provide abortions.

Fail, Planned Parenthood, Fail. 

Oh, and guess what? Contraception and abortion increases a woman's risk
of breast cancer, but again, another time, another post for contracpetion. So, Susan G. Komen,
you made a good choice for woman and their breasts by defunding Planned Parenthood. Too bad
you messed that up. 

Sigh. That is my input for the day. Pray for an end to abortion, and let us hope that we can 
invest our money where it will be put to better use. 

On a happier not, It's FRIDAAYYYY. 

God bless, 

Bridget Ann

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Epitome de Womanhood.

Wives, be submissive to your husbands, as it is fitting to the lord. ~Colossians 3:18

21st Century translation: "Woman, go make me a sandwich."

Well this is awkward. Not many verses of the bible bring so much discomfort-especially among us ladies- than this one. Repressed womanhood comes to mind, as well as abusive men taking advantage of the "weaknesses" of a woman. You know what, enough of this balderdash. The sixties are long gone, and we have had more than our fair share of feminism. It's time to rethink the inherent goodness of the gender role, stripping it of it's stigma. How am I going to do this, you ask? Come with me to a much...simpler time. A peaceful, joyful, happy time....(ha ha).


I will not be giving all of yehs a history lesson, so to make this brief:
  • Troy falls/burns. (Think of it as a city-wide bonfire.)
  • Romulus escapes with his pops and son. 
  • Romulus founds Rome
  • Romulus' daddio (Aeneas) brings flame from burning Troy and keeps it burning in Rome for years to come-Called Sacred Flame of Vesta-(Vesta=goddess of the hearth/home/family)
  • Priesthoods established in Rome to administer to gods. 
  • Vestal Virgins established to keep watch over sacred flame. GIRL POWER!
The Vestal Virgins hanging usual. 

So, I'm not really sure why I'm so fascinated by these six fly ladies, but I am. Maybe it's the way they preserved the flame and kept the temple. Or maybe it's the fact that six women managed to live together for their entire lives without any major problems. 
      "Is that my veil you are wearing, Aquilia, THE NERVE?!" 
I think the most interesting little fact about them was the emphasis placed on their purity and virtue. Guess what the penalty for violating their vow of chastity was?....
Being. Buried. Alive.
Yep. AND not just buried alive like in a coffin, but actually having to climb down a ladder to an underground chamber with a little couchette and enough food for two days, which, upon arriving to, was sealed off for eternity with layer upon layer of earth. Harsh, right? The Romans knew what was up. 
Down she Goes!

Not that I think this punishment was necessary or justified, by any means, but one must look at the reason that a devirginified (it's a word, dangit!) vestal virgin would cause such disgust. The vestal virgins were literally the EPITOME OF WOMANHOOD in ancient Rome. They were the only female priests, the only women of power (state and religion were virtually indistinguishable), and the state of their character, womanly virtue, and virginity actually defined the state of the Roman empire. Wow. No pressure, virgins!

Now, I'm not saying that I necessarily agree with Rome on this one, but look at society as a whole. Ladies, we have always defined our world. The standards that women hold, the levels of respect they require, and the worth placed on their bodies and souls has always caused men to rise to the occasion to honor them. Which was exactly the case with the vestal virgins. Think about it. The state of the ROMAN EMPIRE depended on the essence of womanhood, who guarded the flame of Vesta that represented the woman in the home. As long as the women kept the home fires burning, men could go off and hunt, fight battles, kill Julius Caesar, and the Roman state was still "sacred" and imperial. How cool is that?

Now, to get back to the real reason I'm writing this, I think the vestal virgins can teach us something about this bible verse. Submission literally means under the same mission. The virgins  devoted their lives to the same mission as Rome. Think of Rome as their theoretical spouse, if you will. They shared this common goal with him. Now, I know Rome was a bit oppressive and unforgiving, and I'm not saying that that is the inevitable fate of a woman at all, because after it is written for women to "be submissive to your husbands," this is also written:

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church". HINT: You never see Jesus sending sinful ladies down ladders to their underground fates...Just saying. 

This is how he loves his bride:
Men shouldn't expect anything less. 

In Christ,
Bridget Ann

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wild Thing

"All good things are wild and free."

The first natural reaction my body has upon reading this quote from mister Henry David Thoreau is a twitch of my upper lip followed by a gag reflex that lurches my whole body over my desk as I expel the entire contents of my delicious salad dinner onto my books, my head down in the chunky acidic goodness that is my vomit, all while probably looking something like this:

...With a few ever-so-slight differences.  

In all seriousness upon first glance this quote makes me want to pull out my own hair. Because when I read this the image that comes to mind is something like but not completely limited to this:

Then again, I have a terrible downfall in that I often judge ideas too quickly to give them a fighting chance. In the case of this lovely little tidbit, I think I have fallen victim to myself once again.

You see, I'm going to make a bold statement that has been made by many before me and many after me. The true Christian life, REAL tangible Christian faith, is the wildest and freest thing in this world. Hahahahaha. I know. I bet you just pictured this and laughed at me:

yea... But really, it is. See, sin is the worst thing in the world. Sin is choosing our way over God's way. It is essentially saying no to God, to what he wants for us, his beloved children. The funny thing is, when we sin the result is very often a higher amount of pleasure than punishment...which is really weird and confusing after you know of God's profound justice. But you know what, God doesn't despise/thinks we should despise sin just because it hurts him. He despises it because it enslaves us and God likes to set his people free. (If you don't believe me, read much of the old testament....whaddupp promised land?!)

So among all of the drugs, sex, and rock & roll, what are the negative consequences? God always gives us what we choose, and if we choose sin he'll let us have it. And what is so enslaving about something that we freely choose? I would propose that sin enslaves us because it addicts our will. The more we sin, the more we become a slave to this sin, until it has its chains around us. The worst part is, we think it's great and dandy the whole time.

See, sin does this to us...

While we are meant to be free of these bindings. Like this...

For we have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. 

Now, go scream at the night sky. You're free.