Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents Day

If only...

Happy Presidents day everyone! When I was in high school I LOVED Pres Day since I didn't have to go to school. In college not so much, it's just another day of classes. However, I have been thinking an awful lot about our current President today, Mr. Obama. It goes without saying that I'm not exactly a fan, but I will give him half a pat on the back since he does have one of the heaviest responsibilities in the world right now.

I guess with recent events it is nearly inevitable that I bring up the HHS Mandate since I can't seem to hold off on speaking my mind for too long at all. It states that all employers must provide access to birth control, abortion, sterilization, and emergency contraception to employees. You know, our basic healthcare needs. Ah, and who could forget Obama's compromise on the mandate following the giant uproar that followed from the bishops and laity, ? (Awwwww Yeaaaa guys, I'm sooo proud to be a Catholic after that "little speedbump").

His response goes a little something like this;

"...if a woman's employer is a charity or hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive services as part of their health plan, the insurance company - not the hospital, not the charity - will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge, without co-pays and without hassles." 

Hmmm. That really just rubs me the wrong way, it grinds my gears. In a really bad way. Mr. President, if I may be so bold, who exactly is paying for the insurance of the employees? If it is you, by all means this is a right and just compromise..and Thanks!!! But that's not the case, is it? You see, I find this "compromise" quite insulting. It is saying virtually the same thing as the original mandate. Catholics have brains too! We aren't just spiritual angelic beings floating around the earth, condemning society as a whole! (Although I will accept the angelic accusation, personally!) The same question rings loud and crude like an awakening from blissful sleep by poorly manipulated bagpipes...Why should we legally have to pay for something that we believe is morally wrong?

Now, insurance is brilliant! I'm all for healthcare and I think everyone deserves to have their basic needs met. But since when have these services become necessities? I'm not ardently trying to sway anybody's opinion on contraception and abortifacients right now, but if basic Catholic teaching has a huge moral problem with them, isn't that unfair ground for the federal government? I mean really, contraceptives and the morning after pill are available, (most often FREE OF CHARGE) at public clinics and hospitals, and ugggghhh dare I say it; Planned Parenthood.

So, those who are morally inclined to stay away from these services can freely choose not to utilize them, you say? Well, yes! That's all good and fine, but I'm morally inclined to refrain from, say, murdering people, stealing from people, and many other things. I'm just as morally inclined to refrain from paying others to do these things. Our church and its institutions realize that people are going to contracept, sterilize, and abort. We don't like it, but history has revealed that this won't stop them. It's a reality and it's happening, but what gives the government the right to force us to pay for something that we believe is immoral? Last time I checked all history of the United States points to our founders being big fans of the government staying out of religious practice and belief. Interestinng...

I don't mean to sound bitter, but does anybody remember when Obama controversially received an honorary degree of law from Notre Dame, a Catholic University a few years back in 2009? He very clearly stated to the faculty of this Catholic University, as well as the rest of the listening world, "I am for conscience protection."

 ....Really? What happened? 

My fellow Catholics, I'm saddened to say that it seems the bill of rights doesn't apply to us. Because obviously the majority is so often right! I mean honestly.. everybody knows that democracies are perfectly balanced forms of government in which the majority never, ever can become a tyranny and everybody always automatically gets exactly the liberty that is owed to them. Hahahaha..hahaa..ha. Yep. In Obama-land it appears this way!

Oh, Mr. Obama, Please listen to the church, just this once. You don't have to agree with us...but last time I checked, trying to force a two thousand-year-old organization to conform to your moral standards of society doesn't often end well. Please leave us be and get out of our bedrooms....PLEASE???!!

St. Thomas More,patron saint of politicians and law, PRAY FOR US. Ask God to knock some sense into our President, 



  1. "Please leave us be and get out of our bedrooms..." From the rest of this blog, I don't think you meant to say this. But if you did, President Obama isn't in Catholics', or anyone else's, bedrooms (besides his own). He isn't forcing anyone to utilize contraceptives.

    1. If anything, Catholics are the ones trying to push their way into people's bedrooms... health is a personal and private matter. There are laws that protect patients' privacy. Why is it any of an employer's business what an employee is using her health insurance coverage for?

  2. Would it be okay if a Catholic employer wanted to dock its employees' pay because they knew part of it might be used to buy contraceptives? I don't see how "insurance" makes it any different.

  3. To all three above comment:
    No, our President isn't forcing anybody to use or not use contraceptives, and neither is the Catholic church! He is, however, forcing a religious institution to pay for them,forcing them to be a means to an end for something they find immoral.

    As for an employer docking pay, that's completely different. If a person earns money from an employer it is theirs to spend however they wish and that is their business, unless it is illegal, in which the government can and should step in. An employer can't cut pay because they suspect somebody is spending their money on something they find morally repulsive, of course not! They can't however, be forced to pay for something that they find contradicts their conscience for an employee that is not a necessity by any means! There is a huge difference here.

  4. For the record, religious institutions don't actually pay taxes. Citizens do. Citizens that need to be looking out for each others' well-being. Let's try to keep this in perspective.

  5. as a citizen I refuse to pay for the availability of such injustices. When we speak of the Church we include people of the Church, not just the institution itself.
